According to Article 129 of the company's articles of association, unless otherwise provided by the stock exchange laws and regulations, if the company has pre-taxed profits in the year, the company shall appropriate the pre-tax profits: a maximum of ten percent (10%), with a minimum of one percent (1%) as employee remuneration (including employees of the company and/or employees of affiliated companies). Regardless of the foregoing, if the company still has accumulated losses from previous years, the company should reserve the compensation amount in advance before allocating employee compensation. Remuneration of employees depends on their qualification and experience. We regularly undertake remuneration surveys to determine industry practices. As a global organization, these surveys help us to determine the appropriate levels of remuneration that help to recruit as well as retain valuable personnel.
We improve the company's overall performance through system design; linking future potential with salary to encourage employees to improve their value; each reward project considers the following important factors:
- Bonuses and remuneration: employees’ annual performance and goal achievement, the company’s annual profitability, etc.
- Changes and salary adjustments:rationality of individual colleagues' current salary, performance, future potential, annual salary adjustment budget, internal and external salary balance, price levels, etc.
In addition, the company allocates an additional 1% of salary costs (the legal requirement of 1%) to the Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF) for employee training. Training courses include leadership, project management, intensive technical training, interpersonal communication skills, work attitude and safety knowledge, etc.
The implementation of the employee training plan in 2024 includes a total of 45 classes, 350 participants, and a total of 270 class hours.